Current version: (AGNO-JavaScript API)


This feature can be used as follows:

        // required parameters:
        brand: "agnoplay",
        videoId: "Mbdskc9KsAii",
        url: window.location.href,
        // add the following:
        loop: true,

Using loop feature with no-control player

Current version: (AGNO-JavaScript API)


This feature can be used as follows:

        // required parameters:
        brand: "agnoplay",
        videoId: "CQsEL7nYJSSG",
        url: window.location.href,
        // add the following:
        loop: true,
        autoplay: true,
        hide_controls: true,
        mute_on_autoplay: true


This is an example of the Loop feature. This feature can be enabled or disabled to loop video.